Yoni Oil is a blend of natural oils that are often infused with essential oils and herbs to care for feminine hygiene and vaginal self care. Yoni oil can be used as lubricant but the primary benefit of Yoni Oil is to moisturize the Mons Pubis and Labia Majora. Yoni Oil may be used as a skin care and self care regimen too.
Yoni Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sweet Orange Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Rosehip Oil, Bergamot Oil, Chamomile, Lavender, Rose Petals, Jasmine, and Roselle Flowers
After showering, or bathing you can use Yoni Oil to moisturize the mons pubis and labia majora area. You may note that depending on the type of yoni oil you use, different benefits may occur. For example using a yoni oil infused with peppermint and tea tree essential oils will have a great benefit to eliminate ingrown hairs with regular application.